One can seek information online through the link rtionline.gov.in and through an application addressed to Examsbiz recognized by the BRD One should specifically write the following in the letter.

  • Information required
  • Details of Fee of Rs 10/- sent by applicant (Should be attached in form of a Demand Draft/Postal order in the name of Government Exam Preparation recognized by the BRD).
  • Fees in cash can also be deposited with the cashier at the HQ.
  • Address of the applicant where the information is to be sent
  • As such Government Exam Preparation does not prescribe any form for seeking information under RTI Act. One can simply write a request along with the fee and information required. Applicants belonging to BPL (Below poverty line) are exempted from depositing the fee subject to production of the proof

    If you want the copy of some documents you have to pay the photocopy charges (@ Rs. 2/- per copy/ per page) through Demand Draft/Postal order in the name of Examsbiz recognized by the BRD along with the postal charges to send the documents.

    Normally, information is sent within a period of 30 days from the receipt of the RTI application at... However, if you do not get a reply, you can submit a first appeal to the First Appellate Authority. In case you do not get a response from the First Appellate Authority, you may submit a second appeal to the Central Information Commission ().

    Yes, as long as they perform a "public" function that comes under the purview of the RTI Act. Summing it up, the advent of the RTI Act was one of the most beneficial steps taken by the government. The question was whether an applicant could ask for information on private bodies.

    You can get information pertaining to private entities (private schools, colleges, coop societies and banks, private sector banks and insurance companies, public and private trusts, private service providers, public limited companies, etc.) under Section 2(f) of the RTI Act.

    Reading it with Section 8 (1) (j) of the Act, which states [6] that information that can't be denied to the state legislature and the parliament can't be denied to any person, it can be interpreted that private bodies also fall under the RTI Act, albeit indirectly.

    Information about private companies can only be accessed from their regulator. The information of the private companies can only be obtained from its regulator. Regulators can only provide the information a company is bound to furnish. At the same time, not all this information can be shared with the applicant.